Electrocution Accident Attorneys in Las Vegas, NV

Carvalho & Associates Attorneys at Law in Las Vegas, NV has knowledge, skill, and experience representing victims of shock and electrocution injury, including electrocution accidents that result in wrongful death. Unfortunately, Dan has discovered that the power industry and those who are responsible for the delivery of electricity too often disregard safety and put Nevadans at unnecessary risk for serious electrical shock injury. Dan is well aware of the catastrophic harm that can occur and the hazards that can be caused by utility companies focusing solely on profit. If you or a loved one has been severely injured as a result of an electrocution accident, let our legal team help guide you on your path to recovery. We take a thoughtful and persistent approach to personal injury litigation. As your legal counsel, we’ll provide expert representation personalized to your best interests and aggressively pursue the appropriate compensation you deserve. Contact us to schedule a free case assessment today.

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The Law Firm You Can Trust

Severe personal injury lawsuits can often be associated with the negligence of commercial establishments and organizations that serve the public. In many cases, claims involving electric shock injury and wrongful death have been decided in favor of victims due to a failure to maintain safety on behalf of utility companies. When you’re ready to pursue an electrocution injury claim, we’ll gather all the facts surrounding your case to determine who is responsible for the damages and seek the maximum amount of compensation. Learn more about our ability to present effective personal injury cases that cover the full spectrum of liability and injury law litigation.
Electrocution Accidents Lawyers in Las Vegas, NV

Skill & Experience

Our legal team at Carvalho & Associates Attorneys at Law is well-respected and widely recognized among industry peers and the public, having successfully recovered compensation in some of the largest, most highly publicized personal injury cases in the history of Nevada.

Compassionate Support

Regardless of the scope or complexity, we handle every personal injury claim with the utmost care, professionalism, and attention to detail to serve the unique legal needs of our clients. When you partner with Carvalho & Associates Attorneys at Law, we treat you like family.

Aggressive Representation

When someone sustains unforeseen injuries because of a preventable safety hazard or the reckless behavior of others, the victim should not have to pay for the consequences. Our personal injury attorneys work decisively and with conviction to seek justice.

Driven by Results

We are tireless in our efforts to attain the most beneficial outcomes for our clients. We take pride in outworking the opposition by taking bold actions, remaining proactive, and being deliberate in attaining closure and peace of mind for families during critical times.

Call for a Free Consultation

If you were injured or a loved one suffered a fatal accident due to electric shock, we’ll hold those responsible for the damages caused by their negligence. We are a compassionate legal team providing expert legal guidance to clients experiencing substantial losses and stressful times due to their personal injury. Contact us to schedule a free case assessment today.